Angelica Sepulveda
Massage Therapist

I thought if the beginner classes have done this much then imagine what the whole mastery program can do?
It was a no brainer!


Q: Why did you join the HeartMastery Heart Empowerment Program?
A: I joined HeartMastery because after taking the beginner courses I saw what an impact they had on my life. I thought if the beginner classes have done this much then imagine what the whole mastery program can do? It was a no brainer!

Q: What did you hope to get out of the year long Heart Empowerment Program?
A: Initially my motivation was to be in a healthy, loving relationship because I was inspired by seeing Sheva and her beaux interacting like honeymooners. She told me that they had been together for 14 years and I couldn’t believe it! She said I could have that too...so initially I was hoping to find love. I eventually discovered that the love I was looking for externally was already within myself. I knew this intellectually, but not in reality, and this love gradually revealed itself to me as I continued with HeartMath and learned to open and listen to my own heart.

Q: What one thing were you hoping would change in your life or in the world?
A: I wanted to attract love into my life.

Q: What is the most valuable thing you have received from HeartMastery?
A: I have developed a relationship with myself.

Before HeartMastery, I was…
incoherent, even though i thought i was coherent.

During HeartMastery, I am…
continuing to learn about myself discovering the good and the bad. I am discovering that I have the ability to create how I feel. I am feeling the love and happiness I so deeply desired, and feel more alive and aware than ever! I am embracing my life’s purpose, and learning to live with integrity with who I truly am. I am always looking forward to finding out what’s next, and in awe of the magic that unfolds day after day as I apply the tools. I am forever grateful to Sheva and to HeartMath!

After HeartMastery, I will be…
coherent, and armed with all the tools I need to live truly from the heart.

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