Nicole Cooke
Law Student

until HeartMastery gave me the power to pause, and gave me my power back!
Empowered to do it on my own!


Q: Why did you join the HeartMastery Heart Empowerment Program?
A: To help me through the stress of law school exams, and the depression that came with being a woman of color in a sometimes very oppressive environment.

Q: What did you hope to get out of the year long Heart Empowerment Program?
A: I wanted to get my power back. I wanted to live presently and through my heart, rather than being identified by all these external things like my color or my law degree. I wanted to center myself in my own value and power in my heart, so I could deal with all my external challenges.

Q: What one thing were you hoping would change in your life or in the world?
A: I felt, thought and experienced the narrow mindedness and judgments of my colleagues and peers at law school and wanted to transform that so I could experience a world of peace and tolerance. From HeartMastery I realized that I can only work on myself. I discovered that the best change to create in the world is to change myself. Generating openness, acceptance, compassion and presence within me, being happy with myself, has afforded me to have compassion and presence with others instead of bitterness or judgment. This then gets reflected back to me from others. It works!

Q: What is the most valuable thing you have received from HeartMastery?
A: Myself! Really! I got myself back! My relationship with my Mom has changed dramatically. Right now I am the happiest I have been, and the cool thing is now I feel I have the power to sustain it. One of my fellow law students committed suicide this week, and we were all so sad that she took that route. Even though I am sad about her death, I am really grateful that I had a program (HeartMastery) that has empowered me to handle the stress of law school with self love and balance. The most valuable thing I got from HeartMastery is that I am happy with myself, which has nothing to do with law school or being a hot chick or getting good grades. I am happy with the heart of who I am.

Before HeartMastery, I was…
Hot tempered, quick to react before I knew whether my perceptions were real or not, putting myself and my relationships in jeopardy.

During HeartMastery, I am…
Finding balance, taking the time out to stop, focus, and assess whether my perceptions are accurate of if there might be other perceptions are more objective and effective.

After HeartMastery, I will be…
Empowered to do it on my own!

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