Heart Buddy Call Steps
- Pause at the beginning of your calls and focus your attention on the area around your heart.
- Breathe in through your heart, and out through your heart.
- Activate appreciation for one another and for something in your life that touches you with gratitude.
- Ask your heart to illuminate one topic that would be useful for you to share in a few sentences with your heart buddy.
- When both of you are clear about what your intuition guides you to share, decide who will speak and who will listen first.

- Go to neutral by breathing in through your heart and out through your heart, releasing distractions, agendas, preconceived ideas, judgments, or the need to respond to what your buddy is saying. It can help to write down what you intend to share when it is your turn to speak so you are not thinking about that while trying to deep heart listen to your buddy.
- Breathe ease and appreciation in through your heart and out through your heart while your buddy is speaking. Imagine that your appreciation is radiating from your heart to your heart buddy while you listen for the essence of her/his communication beneath the words.
- When your heart buddy has finished communicating, reflect back the essence of what you heard.
- Then perception-check your understanding. Is there anything your buddy would like to add or to refine to your understanding of what you heard?
- Listen again with the same quality of appreciation, and continue reflecting back what you hear until your buddy feels heard and understood or until 15 minutes have passed. Then switch.
- Once your buddy feels understood by you, if there is something you feel moved to share from your heart you can ask your buddy if she/he would like to hear that from you. Then you can switch.