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“I am thoroughly enjoying the richness of the new tools I am learning. The HeartMastery tools that we are learning now are so rich. They are so deep.
The tools I am learning now will enrich my teaching of the original tools. It provides such expansiveness that surpasses and enhances the original tools. I have a greater understanding and comprehension of the depth and richness the tools provide to the degree that they are used further potentiating coherent physiology. With all that being said, I have the tools to live my life expressing my fullest potential in joy, health, and happiness while assisting others do the same.
I believe the tools we are learning now would provide staff a deeper understanding of each of the original tools as well as increasing self-awareness, self-regulation, and connection, thereby, increasing self coherence as well as global coherence.
I have to commend Sheva on her facilitation of the classes. She has a thorough understanding of the tools and application. I, also, appreciate how she assists us in facilitating our understanding of the tools, gently challenging us, and guiding us to awareness. I am appreciative and grateful I am having the opportunity to work with her.”
HeartMastery is an online/tele-training program validated by cutting-edge heart/brain science which:
HeartMastery will support you to learn the framework and tools of heart empowerment on a step-by-step basis by giving you access to:
Instead of learning about the heart, HeartMastery empowers you to live from the heart in ways that are meaningful to you by inviting you to:
All HeartMastery services and products may be purchased separately or through a yearlong package. Click here to find out how.
Steve Jobs said, “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other’s opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.”
The question is, how do we do that? Welcome to the step by step promise of HeartMastery!
“People have, for centuries, talked about and told others to "follow your heart." Why? Because people instinctively know that their heart’s intuition yields the highest outcome
Doc Childre, Founder of HeartMath, as written in his article Heart-Based Living
"We live in times of unprecedented opportunity. Never before have human beings been free to experience so much in so little time…With the internet that brought you to this page, you can be connected almost anywhere in the world in a fraction of a second. In the context of this accelerated change, our emotions and bodies have not caught up to our lifestyle and technology advances. In many cases we are reacting to modern stressors like traffic and deadlines with the same biological survival software designed to counterattack a predator. The problem is, this primitive system emanates from a very limited thinking that will not solve modern dilemmas. It also taxes our physical vitality, health, and quality of life. We need, metaphorically, to "download an upgrade." We need new, modern intelligence for modern times and issues. Based on 20 years of research, HeartMath has shown us that this new, broader intelligence and the power to unlock its potential, lie within the human heart."
Sheva Carr, Director of HeartMath's HeartMastery Program, from "Being the Source of Value: Finding the Gold Within Your Heart in Challenging Times"
“Today, more people intuitively feel a need to increase their care and kindness. As they free themselves from the mind’s preset judgments, they begin to see that neither global nor individual peace can be had as long as judgment, blame and bitterness persist between cultures and within personal relationships. More are realizing in their heart-of-hearts that they do care, that they do want a warmer connection with others and a deeper connection with their real selves.”
Doc Childre, continued from HeartBased Living
Join us at HeartMastery to activate the intelligence and powerful potential of your own heart, and to connect in community with the heart's of others!. When you live your heart's purpose, you not only feel so much better, you contribute to a more heart-based world!
The foundation of HeartMastery rests on learning heart empowerment tools developed by Doc Childre, the founder of HeartMath. Doc anticipated the increasing stress of current times and the opportunity to awaken to the power and intelligence of the heart to guide us through the global shift now taking place.
Since 1990, Doc has developed user-friendly heart-based tools and technologies, all underpinned with science. These tools and skills are based on HeartMath’s breakthrough scientific research, which uncovered that when we experience positive feelings like love, care, joy, appreciation or compassion, we create more order in the heart’s rhythm. This brings the body’s mental, emotional and nervous systems into alignment and coherence. The result is greater well-being, contentment and skill at navigating life’s changes and challenges.
This system-wide-order reflected in the heart's rhythm can be seen in real time with HeartMath's emWave and Inner Balance technologies, either through your portable device, phone or computer.
Through the heart, we can feel good from the inside-out, no matter what is happening around us. This becomes contagious (in a good way!) to other people and our environment via the heart’s energetic field.
HeartMastery is the mastery of generating this internal harmony and coherence in whatever circumstances we face. From that is born our greater good and heart’s purpose as we contribute to creating a more heart-based world.
Through HeartMastery’s pre-recorded classes, live discussion groups, HeartMath tools and technologies, and a robust heart-based community, you can truly learn to live from your heart, and follow your heart's unique purpose as you contribute to creating a heart-based world.